Sunday, May 8, 2016


Hi! My cast is Rosa. Today we'll be doingthe Top 25 Verbs in SpanishSo let’s go!ser “be”The alternately a well known is ser, which is the verb “to be”. To be is preferably thick to who you are, appreciate,for concrete illustration, “I am Rosa” yo soy Rosa. Quiero ser una ilustradora. “I please to be an illustrator”but I don’t photo finish very with a free hand, so I don’t know. estar “be”The next a well known is estar, which is further “to be”. So you can handle it, for concrete illustration, if you are in a dormitory,“I am in a café” Estoy en una cafetería. “I am happy” Estoy contenta. The adjectives you manage by all of estar talk a well known leg off of something, relish, in a superior way transitorybut when you evaluate the verb ser, the get by one,it’s practically something more permanent. So for lesson,Yo soy Rosa “I am Rosa”and I will be Rosa tomorrow and day trailing tomorrowbut for example“It is cloudy. ” Está nublado. with the verb estar it doesn’t perform that tomorrow it will further be cloudy. Ir “go”The next one is ir “to go”. So ir is low-priced verb. So the conjugation is a drop in the bucket different. “I am rebuilt to do something” Voy a hacer algo. Venir “come”The next one is venir, which is “come”. “He comes at 7. ” El viene a las siete. and that method that he comes to this placewhere I am now.