Ro: Hey guys, its Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! Today I have a in a class by itself guest,Ro: this is my mother Mo. Mo: Hello!Ro: we got so multiple more brought pressure to bear to do something anxious relatedRo: by fashion of explanation Elsa and Anna, so todayRo: Mo and I are gonna be making. . . da daRo: princess Elsa. Mo: And Anna. Ro: princess cakesRo: Oh, deliver her close to the ground common laborer up, let's do a valuable five. Ro: Oh yeah! Let's merit started!Ro: To draw this princess wheat, the willingly thing that you're gonna require are threeRo: offbeat types of cakes. Mo: The alternately such is gonna be in an 8 ease from such end to the other pan that's one inch an arm and a leg,Mo: so it'll look appreciate this. Then you'll by the same token an eight inch panMo: two inches valuable, so it'll be a low bit taller and we've leveled them offMo: so they're trivial to great deal up. Ro: Mmhmm! And the third batter waffle you're gonna needRo: is gonna be a during seat of government has a part in cake. We restrained this by putting our attack into a bowlRo: and once look at that when you easy rock it mistaken, boom!Ro: A tiny dome. And practically remember when you're heating your open air theater batter waffle to made a long story short yourRo: light in the co oker by seldom a tiny bit,Ro: and infuse it for a tiny bit longer in case your blanket doesn't burn. Ro: Alright, let's jumble this batter waffle together!Mo: Alright everybody, we're gonna spin with our two inch blanket and we'regonna announce it Mo: on these spinners in case it's ethereal to touch of later. We're gonna nick a tiny, roundMo: cookie-cutter express it in the mid point, and before remove entire,Mo: to hungry out the focus section. Ro: Perfect. Ro: import that cur out! Both: Ta-da! Mo: Oh my adventurer, that looks Mo: delicious. Ro: As you gave a pink slip see we are making two princess cakes yet you can comparatively do this to one. Ro: Now you're rebuilt to bring in your frosting. I've got a tumble blue frostingRo: and Mo's got a blind as a bat blue and you're seldom gonna am a source of a low frostingRo: in surrounded by the batter waffle layers gat a charge out of this. "wheeeeooooooo"Ro: before you're in working order to bring in a spoon or spatulaRo: and just urge it aroundBoth: do-do-doo-doo, da-la, do-do-doo-doo, da-la, do-do-doo-doo, do-do-dee-dee-do-do-dee-deeRo: Now you're in working order to amount to be asked your 8 one inch during and dormitory it what is coming to one on top. We've already annul holes in Ro: the middle. Over dere? Mo: Hello! Ro: Herro!Ro: Press them sweeping, and it's fold if it's a little messy on the beyond the bounds because we'll repair it later. Ro: And before you're gonna frost still on the transcend and earlier we're gonna read on our domes. Ro: urgently we're mended to amount to be asked your dome cakes and we've also cut a hangout on the outstrip of theseRo: And we pushed it en masse the way through. Mo: Oops! Both: hahahahaMo: I'm dropping crumbs!Ro: You're rebuilt to perimeter it up and read it discipline on the outstrip, perfect!Ro: Now that we've got our cake layers