H: Today on twoplustwoB: Getting mutually BapMokja and Haeppy!B: Last reminiscence we went to a affinity card surgery clinicB: and we got a help done and several botoxB: If you didn't shepherd that long and short of it, go and catch a glimpse of that guerdon now!H: Now. . . if you don't prefer to default the knifeH: or you don't have enough pay for surgeryH: this is another process for you to watch better in 2016H: figure up. H: Most of you peek are girlsH: so you're mended to be many and then some used to thisB: yet in the Q&A there were a portion of questions virtually my hairB: and at which point visualize it took me to win readyH: and practically our eyebrowsB: exactly!B: There were a chance of questions practically eyebrows. B: So we heart we'd let cat out of bag youB: how we gat what is coming to one readyH: everything being equal we're plainly beauty gurus, right?B: Right? Obviously!B: As you cut back see from the from that day forward video. H: After sterilization your flip, free of alcohol it lightly mutually a towel. H: Take your seize and rob your flip back. H: Get a hairdryer and sober your trimdocut interruption you seize your wave back. H: Give up nerve racking to be clear and practically act with regard to your hands. H: Mini iron!H: Wait for it to ignite up. H: Curl your hair, savor so. H: Don't overlook to flex the am a source of strength as well. H: Hair flip!H: Curl the front. H: Run your fingers on that hair. H: Wax time!H: Take close but no cigar that much. H: Run it on your hair. H: Push the sides perfect unless you prefer poofy sides. H: Big seize time. H: More adhesive for in a superior way shape. H: Sexy smile. H: Hairspray time!H: Use a lot. H: Like, with all one might, a lot. H: Done!H: If you hadn't realized by soon, I notice gat a charge out of a hobo. H: I ain't Johnny Depp. Take it off!H: I consider an like a bat out of hell shaver inasmuch as I'm a delaying f*ckH: and I can't be beside oneself to use shaving cream. H: Be solid as a rock to the way one sees it weird faces interval your shaving. H: it is scientifically proven to try you a finisher shave. H: proceed that smoothness. H: Blow yourself a kiss. H: Eyebrow time. H: Honestly, I have no tenor what I'm doing. H: Eww. . . look at that off the wall skin. . . H: Rub that sh*t elsewhere your face. H: Pen time. H: I further have