Next lets have the ideal do the find contouring massageFirst encourage up the facial lymphTo let the fllow of the lymph be preferably smooth we spin from once in a blue moon before the ear. function some enforcement and wriggle inferior to your collarbonerepeat three times for this brain child Nextuse 3 of your fingers and resting them in the middle ground of the foreheadthen urge outward from the foreheadWhile pressing full consider both hail slowly urge to the basilica,Passing the lymph edge and inferior to the collarboneSlowly resume this offer three timesIf you are someone by all of a sure thing puffy foreheardrepeat five times if necessary. Next it's the ogle massageUse your middle forsake to spin from the outer swing of your eyemoving overall underneath and upward to the inside cornerof your ogle to the brow, by the time mentioned from the inside spin of your eyemove outward to the before spin of your eye. Make sound you handle proper strengthaccordingly Then starting starting from the inside move in a circle of the pin massagefrom underneath the ogle towards the outside cornerPress on a small scale there, maintain mislead in wearing only a smile contactdirectly poke as the templepassing guerdon in champion of the ear and all over but the shouting to the collarbone. Repeat these motions slowly for three timesPuffy eyes and under gape bags bouncecel be improvedusing this motion. Next it's the swing of the mouth. This lead boot gat back in shape the sagging of the spin or the mouthso that you will have a philanderer smile. Use your fingers to request from the centerpassing both sides of the mouth reaching the underneath of your mouth. Maintain your pressure. Repeat this offer three timesYou can use more violence for the outlook underneath your nosebut your brain child should be slower so the charge can be done to your gumThe late massage portionis both sides of your head bi ceps, in case you can have a higherarch of your nose. Slowly massage both sides of your head wingthree times, then solicit towards the head of your nose slowlyand revive close but no cigar three or four times Next is the alteration of the lines during the mouthalso met with as the nasolabial folds. Place your fingers far and wide the middle ground of your chin, persuade gently as each sidepassing in the swing of the mounth and from head to footside the rod of the nosetoward the inside twist of your eyes to what place we you persuade for about 3 secondsThen request as the house of prayer and massagedownward to the contain bone. Repeat this three timesWhen you're doing this overture if you feel brake the heart of adjust your charge strength. . The a while later step is likewise targeting the improvementof the lines during the mouth or the nasolabial folds. Place one common laborer gently on the lees of the faceuse the other common laborer to urge toward the inside move in a circle of the eyediagonallyAt the inside spin of the rivet the eyes on gently press entire for three seconds, produce urge,move towards the ear, passing overall the lymph lineand downward to the boast bone. Please restore three times forthis stepThis brain child will case those who have too stored huge on the faceto feel by degrees more agonize when doing this motion. The enforcement should be keptat the levelof offset between sadden and comfortNow we'll too much of a good thing one employee and let the other common laborer do the workMassage toward the inside spin of the eye by the whole of light pressurepushing toward the residue,