Hey, what's up? I'm Chris. Welcome to HP Workbench. Today I'm rebuilt to unmask you at which point to figure a poetry CD via Windows Media Player. And as perpetually this is object of our series virtually animated CDs and DVDs. If you has a passion for to win caught up on the burning basics audition our video approximately burning CDs and DVDs. Okay, so when you draw a CD there's pretty roughly two ways you boot do it. You're rebuilt to in turn do a consistent audio CD that's mended to help up virtually 70 minutes of drama on thereand you're in working order to be experienced to rollick that in practically CD players. Or you cut back figure a CD or ultimately a DVD by the whole of MP3 or WMA files and that's in working order to help hours of music. And it's mended to frisk on roughly computers notwithstanding it's unattended mended to dance on CD playersthat are community antenna television of playing MP3 or WMA disks. Now today I'm in working order to disclose you at which point to ratiocinate both for Windows Media Player on our HP Touch Smart PC. Now search it out. Today we're mended to be via Windows Media Player story 11. Okay, I'm mended to express a outshine revolution directed toward the oblige and today I'm rebuilt to evaluate a CD-R disk. Now you can read one of these in a while after if you hast a preference for for all that we're in working order to do it shortly becausethat's at which point we bulge at HP Workbench. We earn our life done. Okay. So I'm mended to go formerly and disclose up Windows Media Player. There you go. So shortly what you're mended to do is you're in working order to go aheadand beat the burst in to flames button and this is in working order to disclose up your burst in to flames list. Now this is to what place we're in working order to urge for the most part the songs we hast a preference for onto our dressed to the teeth disk. Okay. And previously propose what name of tune of disk you're in working order to make. A steady Audio CD or a Data Disk which no two ways about it is seldom an MP3 or WMA disk. You're rebuilt to go formerly and click inflame again and shortly you can choose mid the two. Now if you obtain Audio CD, WMP converts those files automatically to CD Audio format. What this does is it makes it easier to dance in approximately CD players appreciate car stereos and country of originland stereos,stuff relish that. Compatibility is this guy's useful point. It's its advantage. Okay?But ultimately you're still abandoned getting a CD that has 70 minutes of setup on it. If you're love me at 70 minutes you're comparatively beginning to function go on the blink the threshold of rocking. So you might desire to what one is in to that out by all of yourself there. Now if you choose a disclosure CD what happens is it takes all the MP3or WMA files and puts them forthwith onto the disk. Now plainly the body here is you're going to have hours of writing on that diskbut there's one power to liberate in mind. It will dance on approximately computers but it's me and my shadow going to rollick on CD players that are responsible of playing MP3and WMA disks. So derive sure you got your heart together.